God our Husband
Ruth and Boaz! Who doesn’t love that story? What if I told you that this same story was also a foreshadowing of the Lord Jesus Christ and His bride, the Body of Christ. God is our husband! It may sound weird to hear but it’s true. Do not think about him like how we think about earthly husbands, he still carries Lordship but he also covers us. When we know God our husband we will know that under Him everything is well, we will grow gracefully walking in our identity, and know how to discern what are earthly husbands should reflect. Read more to hear more.
The woman with the golden oil
There is an essence that a women carries when she chooses not to rebel against herself but becomes herself by submitting herself to God and his wisdom. This is the mature women that we see in many different women in the Bible, including the Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 woman. It’s the anointing that comes from going through experiences and learning the lessons that came along with them. Many people go through many experiences, but not all learn what they were suppose to through them. The women with the golden oil is what I call her and I believe that many are becoming just like her by the Spirit of God. Click to learn more and enjoy a good read.
Before the birds chirp
Entering the presence of the Lord in the early morning comes with many benefits. Being able to have time with the Lord while there is no interruptions, there’s is a peace available that is not available throughout the day. Clarity springs forth as the atmosphere is silent enough for God to reveal things to us as we up show to dwell in the secret place. It’s just something about seeking the Lord before the birds chirp.
Prophecy: what it is and what it is not
It’s important that we as Christians buckle up and gain some understanding, so that we do not loose a fight for our lack of understanding. The Bible tells us that God says “my people perish for a lack of Knowledge”, Hosea 4:6. There is a difference when something is not available and when we are not seeking to know the truth. We do not have to rely on our own senses because we have been given the Holy Spirit, that Jesus promises will guide us into all truth (John 14:26 and John 16:13). We must know what prophecy is and is not, it is not words to satisfy our needs while living a life that grieves the Holy Spirit. It is revelation that comes from God, who is love Himself, to break people forth into His kingdom by revealing His will through His vessels. Join us in this blog post to read more.
Understanding Psalm 91 and How to Live it out
God is not a man that he should lie neither is He a man that he should repent (Numbers 23:19). We can believe this is true concerning His promises in Psalm 91 for the people who abide in the secret place, those who dwell in the presence of God. During the times we are in we must make sure that we are covered in the presence of the Lord so that we could be protected through all trials and tribulations scheduled to come. What if I told you that Psalm 91 is not for us to focus on evil but instead of God’s power preserving His people.
Overcoming Gluttony: How to defeat being a slave to food
Gluttony is not defined by obesity at all. It’s an addiction to eating food. It means that a person has loss control over themselves to do what is right even if they want to. This addiction can look different for everybody but thanks be to God that the blood of Jesus can cleanse anybody of it. How do I know? I went through it and now I can say I have overcome it. First, in order for anyone one to overcome gluttony, they must see why and in what way it gives them comfort to over indulge in eating. Click to read more on this topic.
Exposing the New age witchcraft deception
Unfortunately, demonic trends are making their way main stream, new age being one. Many have fallen into without even knowing and for some people if they do know, they are so deceived that they cannot perceive it's bad. If we want to experience true peace and power at unlimited measures we must understand that God is love and His love is powerful. We must stop declaring that chains are what make us free and what is making us free is keeping us bond. Jesus is the only one who can set people free but we must be willing to see it to receive it. John 8:34-36 NKJV, "Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. 35 And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. 36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed." Jesus is the answer.