god’s love will teach us how to love people. including ourselves.


This is a community for women of God, both young and those more seasoned in age. This is a space where we respond to the sounds that God is releasing. Responding to his call to return and become who God the Father has called us to be. To be His Ekkelisa, To be His daughters, to be the warriors, helpers, friends, and nurturers he has created us to be. To just be in His presence. To just BE. To exist with the existing one, the great I AM. He’s been calling and he wants his daughters back. He is tired of us running around here lost, hurt, empty and living a false identity of trying to fit the world’s “it girl” standards when our standards are of the Kingdom of Heaven. It’s time for us to know what life looks when we are completely surrendered and submitted to the Most High God. We are kingdom. We must truly understand who God is so that we can understand who he created us to be. For His love is what lifts us up. It’s time for us to know who we are so that we can start living as that person; someone who is chosen, loved, and fearfully and wonderfully made. We are heavy hitters for his kingdom, we dive into the deeper things of heaven so that we don’t miss out on the things that the Spirit of God is doing in both the spiritual and physical realm. The whole mission is to bring the kingdom of God here on earth through the salvation of Jesus Christ. The purpose id getting to a place where we love God and people His way where freedom is not an option to share, where His love and light spreads everywhere we go and so that eternal life is our reality.

How do we do this? We do this by exposing the darkness, effective prayer, effective worship, effective fasting, dissecting topics that will equip us for the life’s mission God is calling each of us to fulfil – really by being true disciples of Christ Jesus; Holy Spirit filled and led. 

Deliverance happens in many ways. We shall receive it.

Deliverance is here, freedom is here, generational blessings is here, abundance is here, and being filled with the boldness of the Holy Spirit is here, the anointing of God’s presence is here, a shift is about to take place. But who is willing? Who is willing to position themselves and go through the process to see these things come to life in their own life? Who is willing to put their trust in the Lord and surrender their all so that their life is a platform for his name to be glorified. Who is willing to be honest and know that they are not yet at the place of committment yet want to be?

 The time is now. 

For such a time as this. 

It’s time to fall in love with Jesus

Elohim is worthy and he is faithful.

What do we believe Here at BMP31?

We believe that Jesus Christ is Lord. 

We believe that the redemption of humanity is given to us in Salvation through Jesus Christ.

We believe in one God who exist in three different persons. God the Father, God the son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

We believe that Jesus is the way the truth, and the life.

We believe that the Bible is a necessity for Christians to believe and live by. It is not optional.

We believe the entire Bible. We do not get to pick and choose what we want to believe.

We believe that the fear of God is the foundation of true wisdom.

We believe that salvation is available to all humanity and that no one is to far to truly receive it.

We believe that he sent his son Jesus Christ in flesh to die for the sins of all humanity so that we would be reconciled to God the father. Since humanity fell short of God’s glory after falling into sin, God sent us his salvation that he promised through his prophets centuries ago and planned before time.

We believe that We can only have relationship with God through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

We believe that all freedom and peace comes from Jesus Christ.

We believe that satan and demons are only defeated in the name of Jesus because He has already defeated them.

We believe that no relationship with Jesus equals an unsaved soul that is set to spent eternity apart from his presence. However by the grace of God, accepting His unfailing love can prevent this.

We believe that God is love and that we need to share it with everyone because everyone is in need of it.

Romans 10:9

 If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.


John 3:16

16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 


About Him and me (the girl behind it!)

About HIM.

Oh Jesus?! Yeah we love Him. No body but Him. Ya Know! His love runs so deep, the love of God. He still saves people, from sin, death, troubles in both the physical and spiritual. He is so patient, merciful, loving, and kind sometimes it’s hard to believe because there’s no other like Him. He is the author and finisher of our faith. Even if our stories did not start with Him, he is so loving and caring that he turns around for the best, the story for His glory. He is worthy to be worshiped and glorified, what a privilege we have as people to have Jesus to be our Lord and Savior. He takes the worse of sinners and turns them into beautiful saints. He redeems and restores stories that look to far gone into hopelessness and turns them into glorious testimonies. How could He could be worshipped?

Revelation 15: 3-4 NKJV

3 They sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying:

“Great and marvelous are Your works,
Lord God Almighty!
Just and true are Your ways,
O King of the [
4 Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name?
For You alone are holy.
For all nations shall come and worship before You,
For Your judgments have been manifested.”

My name is Esther.

Jesus came and intervened in my life in August 2020. Was I looking for Him, I want to say no, but I guess unintentionally I was. Saying yes to Jesus is literally the best thing I could’ve done. I was in search for truth, I loved what seemed to be truthful but this world is full of what is called “deeper truths” which is really deception from Satan. Open wounds led me to fall for them. I’ve overcome and have been set into freedom from pornography, new age/witchcraft, depression, suicidal thoughts, bitterness, and the list goes on. The only reason why I was able to overcome these things is because of Jesus Christ. I searched for God in many things, many so called gods but out of all of them only Jesus responded but you know what’s funny? He was the only one I was not seeking, yet He was the one who responded and did beyond what I asking and thinking for. I just hope I can help you personally encounter over and over again the Light of Jesus. No body can convince me that Jesus Christ, the one of the Holy Bible is not the only way, the truth, the life, and the Son of God. You want to know why? Because when you have a sickness that seems like there is no cure for it, the world is telling you alternatives or to just accept your fate and die, but then a someone who has not given up on you and does what seems “incurable” you’ll tell everyone about the Physician and His medicine and that my friends is Jesus.

Luke 4:23 NKJV “23 He said to them, “You will surely say this proverb to Me, ‘Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in Your country.’ ”