God our Husband
Thank you for joining me today for this blog post about “God our husband”. I’m not going to lie the revelations in this post blew my mind, I am still in shock and grateful to God for the revelations He gives. When reading this, I want you to keep in mind that though we will be covering the story of Boaz and Ruth, we should see this story With Jesus Christ, the bridegroom, and us, the body of Christ, His bride. Before we begin there are some definitions in the Hebrew text I would like for us to get acquainted with. Every definition in this blog post is cited from The Blue Letter Bible.
Husband H1166
to marry, rule over, possess, own
A. (Qal)
i. to marry, be lord (Husband) over
ii.to rule over
B. (Niphal) to be married
One of the KJV translations of this definition is dominion.
Redeemer H1350- to redeem, act as Kinsman-redeemer, avenge, revenge, ransom, do the part of a kinsman (wow).
i.to act as a kinsman, do the part of the next of kin, act as kinsman-redeemer
a.by marrying brother’s widow to beget a child for him, to redeem from slavery, to redeem the land, to exact vengeance
ii.to redeem by payment (1 Corinthians 6: 20)
iii.to redeem (with God as subject) individuals from death, b. Israel from Egyptian Bondage, c.Israel from exile
B. (Niphal)
i.To redeem oneself
ii. to be redeemed
Isaiah 54: 5 KJV - “For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called".
One of the revelations I got about the Lord being our husband is also connected to us as Proverbs 31 women having husbands at the gate who are well known and sit among the elders. Proverbs 31 verse 23 tells us, “Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.” One of the definitions of the word elder in the Hebrew word Zāqēn, is elder (of those having authority). So not only is God our husband well known at the gates, but he is also one who sits in a place of authority, surrounded by those with authority. In Revelation 4 verses 10 and 11, we are told that there are 24 elders in heaven who worship the highest authority which is God and they have been given the power to judge nations by God. Gates here in Hebrew means gate of entrance, of space inside gate, i.e. marketplace, public meeting place), city/town, the gate of a palace, royal castle, temple, court of the tabernacle), heaven. The King James version provides other definitions such as door, port, and porters. The husband who has the authority to make it to the entrance of the gate also has the power to redeem what is behind the gate and command the gate to rise. How do we know? Because Psalm 24 tells us so.
Psalm 24:7-10
Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.
9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.
The glory of the Lord is also the presence and the light of God. So when you are faced with gates in your life, know that He who Governs it has the authority to make them lift up just because His presence is that powerful. Where the King of glory is at there is victory in battle. Where the King of glory is at, the doors of the impossible must be lifted up, where the glory of the Lord is, His angels who fight and intercede on our behalf is present. Are husband is present to redeem us from what was keeping us in bondage from passing through the gates to meet Him and have His will for us come to pass.
This is God, who is our husband. He operates as Lord in this position. He is not meant to be seen as equivalent to an earthly husband. God the husband is different from the husband we have here on earth because for both males and females God is supposed to be our husband, not one whom we are intimate with in ways designed for man, but one we obey and abide in.
This has been a revelation that the Holy Spirit has been teaching me over time and one I can say is for us as daughters and for man as sons to be able to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and have an everlasting peace that comes from that. Many women who desire to be married reading this will be content knowing that the Lord is their first husband and so they can trust Him with their earthly husband. That idolatry of having a husband will die and honor and respect for who God created husbands to be will arise. I also believe that women will be healed of the wounds that say they are inadequate and need something or someone else to make them whole because when we truly know God our husband, we will know who we are as daughters, wives, and the body of Christ. When we understand who God the husband is, we will not expect God out of a man. We will not place expectations that only God can fulfill on a person, but instead know who they were created to be and see them from those lenses. Through the lens of God. I want to add, that when we know God as our husband, we will perceive Him as more of a relational God and not a God who is a dictator that we feel like we always have to work for and please.
Today's blog post will focus on the story of Ruth and Isaiah 54. Though many of us may be familiar with the love story between Boaz and Ruth and desire one like it, it was a foreshadowing of The bridegroom Jesus Christ, and the Church, His bride.
In Ruth Chapter 1, we see 3 women impacted by the death of their husbands are found alone together. These 3 women were Noami the mother-in-law, Ruth the daughter-in-law, and Orpah another daughter-in-law of Noami. Not only did Noami become a widow but her two sons had passed away leaving her daughter-in-laws widows as well with no children. Orpah went back to her native country of Moab where they had just departed as Noami requested, but Ruth chose to stay with her mother-in-law Noami despite her petition, as stated in verse 14 in chapter one, Ruth clave unto Noami meaning she clung to, stayed close, followed closely, join to, stick to, pursue closely. Ruth 1:14 KJV, “And they lifted their voice, and wept again: and Orpah kissed her mother in law; but Ruth clave unto her.” As women, I believe it’s important we know how to clave to who will keep us right with God, I am not talking about ministers that we value online but I am talking about people God may present to us in our own lives who are Godly and will help us get closer to him. Wise mature women who will not sabotage those that they are meant to lead but help them to be all God created them to be. Despite Noami being bitter at the time because of all that had occurred with her family, the deaths of her husband and sons, she was a Hebrew woman whose God is the one true God, the God over Israel. This is important because Ruth and Orpah were Moabites however because Ruth chose to cleave unto Noami, she was able to clave unto her God as well, blessing her to leave paganism and enter into a true relationship with the right God. We see this in the declaration that she made unto Noami.
15 And she said, Behold, thy sister-in-law is gone back unto her people, and unto her gods: return thou after thy sister-in-law.
16 And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: 17 Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also if ought but death part thee and me.
When Ruth made the declaration that announced her commitment and said “thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God”, she became a part of God’s chosen people, the Israelites, and accepted the salvation of the Lord available in the Old Testament. Wow! This is one of the reasons why Noami throughout the book of Ruth taught Ruth the Jewish customs and how things were done accordingly. Ruth had accepted salvation and the ways that God’s people lived that led her to obtain Boaz, she could not come to Him with Moabite ways she had to come as a daughter of Israel, a daughter of the Most High God because Boaz was a son of the Most High God. (Yall this was not in my notes, God is so good, this is so good and I hope it is making sense!). Though Ruth had a heart that had beautiful intentions she lacked the right spiritual food, spiritual guidance, and the right God to birth who she was. What was in her was now showing in her outward commitment all because she made the life-changing decision, one that saved her. This is why we must be the woman with the golden oil, the Proverbs 31 woman, and the Titus 2 older women (click here to see the blog post I am referring to) because there will be people whose love for us causes them to follow us and it will lead them to worship the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit and truth and be all who the Lord called them to be because you will have the wisdom and knowledge needed to help them be redeemed by the redeemer, Jesus Christ. Ruth had to know God her husband before she knew Boaz her husband. Boaz honored Ruth based on how she presented herself to be, who God now had a hold of, not the Moabite women but the women who came from Moab and now lived as the Israelites under one God, the true God Jehovah/ Yahweh. This saved Ruth’s life! Though Ruth was not saved, her heart was pleasing to the Lord to where she found pleasure in His sight. I would like to add that the same is true for us, though we may not always know what we are doing when we are trying to serve the Lord faithfully, our hearts are for the Lord, and we are truly trying to make ourselves available to Him, that my friends is pleasing to the Lord.
Ruth gleaned in the fields from the beginning of the harvest and to the end of the harvest. She was consistently working, not so that she could be seen by a man but that she could provide for her household, for her mother-in-law whom she loved. She still lived her own life, her life was not consumed by wanting an earthly husband but God her husband was now filling up these areas in her life. What made Ruth beautiful was that she was being herself and growing, she did not know everything about the God of the Israelites but the more she kept growing the more she got closer to God, and little did she know the more she got closer to Boaz. Set your gaze upon God and everything else will fall into alignment (Matthew 6:33). She was working and Boaz was working as well, they both believed in the right God, their positions were just different but they were exactly where they were supposed to be in God. Do not pray for someone who is a Christian, many men are Christian, some unfortunately are terrorists to people’s hearts in secret and others are actually very amazing good Christian men, but just may not be the man for you, Pray for someone you are equally yoked with who can help you birth what the Lord wants for you that will give Him glory for generations to come. It was not just a salvation thing with Ruth but her living in her identity. Many other women were gleaning the field alongside Ruth and it does not make them less than at all. Some could have already been married, some were probably equally yoked with their own Boaz or waiting for theirs. Boaz could have been a person who was unequally for them and same with Ruth, but they were equally yoked for each other. But before all this, they must be yoked to God and align with His will. Being equally yoked for us believers is us aligned with God’s will for our life, living a life of obedience and worship.
When Boaz asked who Ruth was in Ruth 2 verse 5, it was not to cast her off but her presence made Him want to pay extra attention to her, his question was to get to know her more. This is how Jesus looks with compassion on us, he wants to know us more not because He is not aware of us but because he wants us to have a personal relationship with Him. This reminds me of the invitation to salvation in Isaiah 55. It’s like the Lord is saying “Come to me and I will cover you.” You are worth covering daughter of God but first, you must know who set the standard of you being covered. Your husband is called to be your covering as He is covered by Christ, you must know that Christ is your covering so that you can know how a man is supposed to cover you as your husband and how you are supposed to willingly submit to him as his wife (Ephesians 5: 21- 33). A husband is worth submitting to, a little boy man is not. Jesus Christ is worth submitting, the world and the lust of our flesh is not. We need the Holy Spirit to help discern both.
Ruth kneeled at the feet of Boaz, as an act of submission for Boaz to accept her as His bride and to become her kinsman redeemer (I ain’t saying go bowing down at no man’s feet lol keep reading). Martha sat at the feet of Jesus. We too must know how to be at the feet of Jesus. To know how to let everything else go and stop everything we are doing to just focus all our attention only on the Lord Jesus Christ. Ruth was a good representation of how we are to be as the Body of Christ. She was extremely submissive, grateful, selfless, and considerate throughout the whole season of gleaning and collecting the harvest. She exemplified the fruits of the Holy Spirit. She was working in the field for Noami! Not even for herself really, and she did all of this from her heart, it was her character, not something she was striving to be, forcing to be, or even performing to be, she was not doing this to be seen and validated by man either, she was living her life as Ruth under one God.
Ruth was always fed by Boaz abundantly and pleasantly, and she got more than she could ever earn on her own. Ruth 2 verses 15 and 16 reads, “And when she rose up to glean, Boaz commanded his young men, saying, “Let her glean even among the sheaves, and do not reproach her. Also let grain from the bundles fall purposely for her; leave it that she may glean, and do not rebuke her.” In the New Living Translation it states, “When Ruth went back to work again, Boaz ordered his young men, “Let her gather grain right among the sheaves without stopping her. And pull out some heads of barley from the bundles and drop them on purpose for her. Let her pick them up, and don’t give her a hard time!” This is just like Jesus, in John 10:10 he tells us that He has come to give us life and to give it to us more abundantly, he makes things so much easier for us even in the most difficult situations (I’m rereading this for edits an boy, did I need to hear this). Though we may work, the Lord Jesus does what we can not do and he does most of the work, so that we can reap a good harvest effectively. Jesus blesses us so abundantly even in times we do not even know it, increasing the blessing from a level we didn't even know it was at. This is why the bible instructs us to be thankful unto God for all things, Ephesians 5:20, “Giving thanks always and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father.”
In Ruth 3:11 Boaz said, “And now my daughter, fear not, for I will do to thee all that thou requirest: for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a virtuous woman.
Your husband will fulfill the necessary requirements for Him to get into position so that you can be revealed as His wife. Meaning the man that God has for you as your husband will show himself as such. The god who is worthy to be served will show himself as such, Jesus is the only God that proves his existence every day in people’s lives whether they are seeking him or not and whether they are ready to receive him. He saving people literally everyday until the earth is no more. You do not have to hope that Jesus is real and that what the Bible says is true, He shows himself everyday, especially if you seek Him (Matthew 7:7).
A Last point I would like to touch on, the story about Ruth and Boaz was not just about their love story but about something much greater and way more important, what was being birthed in their bloodline. Both King David and Jesus came from their bloodline. They had to get together to produce what was going to give God glory and bring salvation to the world. We do not worship Mary, but God found Mary pleasing in sight enough to carry the Christ. I believe that God was intentional about who was in the bloodline of Jesus Christ when he dwelled on earth. Ruth and Boaz were King David’s great-grandmother, the one God honored by saying he shall always have a descendant on the throne and fulfilled that through Jesus Christ who reigns on His eternal throne.
Prayer points:
Lord, help me to live for you from my heart and not to be seen by man for the wrong things. Help me to do your will well without thinking about me please Abba in Jesus' name.
Lord, help me to dwell at your feet to become Christ-like.
Lord, please give me your eyes to see in truth and to love in truth.
Thank for reading, I truly appreciate it! God bless you all and I love you with the love of Christ. 💗
Also, If you would like to accept the love of God and His son, Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, or even if you have backslidden and want to return to the Lord, Here’s a prayer to guide you.
“ God almighty, I come before you to accept your love, to no longer reject you and what you have done for me. I choose to stop running from you and to finally stop rejecting myself of your love. Thank you for dying for me Lord Jesus, thank you for taking on my sins and shame. Thank you Lord that you became a curse for me so that I would no longer be bound by them but set free by your blood that was shed for me. Thank You for making yourself available to me, as friend, father, Lord, God, helper, comforter, savior, and all the good things I need in my life. Jesus I love you and ask you to help me keep loving you like how you want me to. I accept you completely as my Lord and savior, not what this world and demons have presented to me. Now I declare in the both spiritual and physical realm, that I not longer belong to Satan nor his Kingdom but according to Colossians 1:13, God has delivered me from the kingdom of darkness and has placed me in the Kingdom of light, where Jesus Christ is, I declare I belong to Jesus Christ and I now seat with Him In heavenly places. I rebuke all demonic retaliation in me making this decision and come into agreement with a sound mind in Jesus name. I repent, renounce, denounce, and divorce myself from all the sins I’ve committed (list what you can remember) and break the evil covenants associated with them, and I declare once again I am a part of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. In Jesus name I pray and seal this prayer in His blood, Amen.”
Hallelujah! Congratulations if you made this decision. I pray that you prevail in your walk in the Lord, that forces of darkness continue to fail concerning you, and that the forces of light continue to persevere and propel you in the name of Jesus.
And if you have not yet, get you a Bible. Please, it’s a lot of ghetto foolishness concerning Christianity and religion. The Bible is the only way to protect you from it and will show you how to be a Christian and have a real relationship with Jesus Christ.
#Christianblogsforwomen #Howtofindyourhusbandasachristian #WhatdoesitmeanthatGodisourhusband #RuthandBoazlovestory #RuthandBoaz #Findingyourboaz #JesusChrist #Redeemer