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Generational Revival PT. 2: God’s promises are always connected to Generational Revival

When God spoke His promises to us, he never said they had a possibility of not coming to pass because of incapability. It is time for the Body of Christ to move like they believe in the omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient God we have been proclaiming for centuries. It is time to live by faith in the salvation of the Lord, we know John 3:16 by heart, and we declare that Jesus has died for our sins and gave us healing but do we know what that means?

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latest Esther Belony latest Esther Belony

Prepare for Series: What happens when The Meat has now turned into Milk 

Increase! Increase! Increase! It’s like hearing Grow! Grow! Grow! for a believer. Do not think that the strength you were building up was not enough, it just may not be enough to keep you in your future season. Growing and learning in the Lord is where are strength comes from the Lord. However, will you be able to identify when it’s time to increase again? or will you be willingly when you know it’s time?

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Esther Belony Esther Belony

But God is Good! Genesis 1: A Blog style bible study (pt.2)

Would you believe that God gave us the best of the best? That he literally prepared and prepares the best of the best for us a people. His love is really that deep, that he continued to create good things with us in mind knowing the fall of man and when we fall short individually. Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

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Esther Belony Esther Belony

Prepare for series: Wheat vs. weeds

It's like God has an alarm system in my Spirit that has been sounding off that he is getting ready to do something. Prepare! Prepare! Prepare! As time gets closer this alarm gets louder, God reveals more and more, as time gets closer, I self-examine myself and the state of the world even more.

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Esther Belony Esther Belony


We have to understand that the perfect God created us and that his perfect plan for us works it all out in our lives. Let's stop believing the lies that we need to prove ourselves to be "perfect" according to the world's standards and instead walk in the freedom that comes from living in the perfect love of God. We are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made.

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Blog Posts Esther Belony Blog Posts Esther Belony

The Familiar PLACE, the Familiar space

How beautiful it is to know the one who Is God in the past, present, and future. However, did you know that our current situation can sometimes prevent us from knowing God in these ways? Many times staying in a place of comfort prevents us from knowing what we need to do because of the fear of moving forward, really moving out from what we’re familiar with.

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