Prepare for Series: What happens when The Meat has now turned into Milk 

I can not begin to tell you the amount of times I have heard the Lord tell me to increase since I became a Christian in 2020. It’s like an instruction that is required for me to fulfill to get to the next season of my life. It’s like the last step of the current season before my next season. Being prepared for it by God preparing me for it. I believe this is the same for many believers. Let me make this clear so that the devil does not begin to play with your heads and try to condemn you, just because God instructs you to increase does not mean that what you were doing was not enough (I’m talking about those who follow God faithfully, not the flawless but those who make themselves available to God for His will and ways to be complete in their lives as He desires). It just means that growth is needed because what was sufficient for you in one season may actually be lacking in another season. Let me put it this way, what is sufficient for a first grader will not be sufficient for a fourth grader, and what is sufficient for a fourth grader will not be sufficient for a 12th grader let alone a 5th grader. When God is telling us to increase, He is telling us that it is time to operate at a greater capacity He has graced us for. We got stronger, more faithful, and obedient when we were in our previous season and now it’s time to apply that to the next season, as well as elevate in some other areas and possibly help others by teaching them what we learned.

A few weeks ago I was praying and the Holy Spirit spoke and declared “Last season's meat is this season's milk.” When I tell you that right there blew me away! Go off Holy Spirit! I knew immediately that it was about Hebrews 5:13 and 14 which says, “For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. 14 But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who because of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” It’s weird if we see adults acting like 5-year-olds because we would expect them to know better, they are supposed to be able to teach five-year-olds some things not act like them, right? When we have fully matured in one area or season in our lives, it’s time to grow, the grace has lifted and is now somewhere else so that we can be who we need to be in that season. However, when we refuse to grow and overstay our welcome in a place that is beyond familiar to us, we look immature because we outgrew it but want to stay there when we can’t learn any more in that spot. So we end up looking like an adult with little kids' clothes on. Too tight and too small, because we’ve outgrown them

When God tells us to increase, it is more than likely always connected to Him and more than likely Him telling us to increase in devotion or in ways that will glorify Him publicly, sometimes both. This can be a command to increase your intimacy with the Lord in prayer, worship, reading the word, evangelizing, launching a vision that is Jesus Christ-centered that will help people know the Lord better, or serving in the community. 

One thing I know for sure is that increasing is not a recommendation from God, it’s His command to grow so that you can go. Yes, grow so that you go, so that you can move forward. Being obedient will show God that we can be trusted and then He will begin to work on our behalf to bring forth some of His plans to us because He now knows that we are equipped and willing. I’m not going to lie to you, I don’t believe that you will be able to experience the fullness of God and His kingdom if you are not fully surrendered if you keep holding one of your hands back and giving Him the other saying “I trust you Lord” but you really don’t. It’s not to dismiss the emotions you may feel, scared, anxious, concerned; but it is a call for you to submit them to God, overcome them, and allow Him to show you how to trust Him. Yes, ask God to help you trust Him and He will. He knows as people we don’t know how to do what He asks of us by ourselves, that’s one of the reasons why He tells us that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) and that He has blessed us with His Holy Spirit that will help us in all things and lead us into all truth. As stated in John 14 verses 16 and 17, “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.” John 14 verse 26 says “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” 

The word of God is powerful and life-changing. When you make a decision to fight back the darkness and the lies that come from it with the word of God, the truth; freedom will indeed come, so don’t wallow in the lies.

John 8:32, 36

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”

Thank you Holy Spirit for revelation. Something The Holy Spirit has been ministering to me is that what you produce needs to reflect what you consume. So I can not consume things that do not glorify God when I’m called to give Him the glory in all things. I’m not called to be in mixture so I will not consume it, I will not be a vessel of confusion but of the peace of God. You may be thinking to yourself “Well I’m pretty obedient and do not do any of these things”, the command to increase can still come your way because God may be calling you to fill up your cup even more so that you don't get burnt out when you pour into people as you walk out in your calling. Don’t ever think that as a servant of Jesus Christ people are not being affected by your intimacy with God, they will. That’s where revelation, strength, and faith is fueled by the Spirit of God. Psalm 91 shows us that multiple promises and manifestations follow the person who dwells in the presence of God. Catch here it says dwells, not performs. Dwelling is where you live, it is where you stay no matter if people are near you or not. You can not fake the funk, you can not fake dwelling in the presence of God cause oh baby trust me the fruit will show and only those who dwell with God will be able to discern.

Psalms 91:1 

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Though I have heard the command to increase by the Lord many times, the blessings that came with it exceed it. It doesn't even match what I give God when I obey and what He gives me. Deliverance, peace of mind, deliverance for those around me, clarity, increase in the visions He’s blessed me with, increase in boldness in courage, knowledge and revelations that save not just my generation but generations to come, killing fear and pride, blessing me with a heart of true gratefulness, killing false humility, blessing me with real humility, prophetic insight, activation of gifts, God revealing more promises to me, truly forgiving others, being able to forgive myself, deliverance and protection from attacks, increase in my Christ-given authority, deliverance from death, triumphing over witchcraft, joy, rest- the list really does goes on. It’s Like the Lord has become an active well in my life that is overflowing and never ends. 

Although part of this post was me sharing my experience, I know that the revelation stated here is kingdom-based. Children of God are called to ascend here on earth until it’s the Lord’s time for us to reach eternal glory. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus, so staying on earthly levels does not apply to us. Know that during this time what will keep us in God’s hands is increase, increase in our commitment to Him. Do you want to see an increase? Increase. This increase from the Lord can not be bought with money but only in intimacy.

I don’t know what to really call this part, maybe a side note:

Something I want to encourage you guys with is what I keep hearing in the Spirit. DO NOT GET WEARY.  Do not get weary. Fight the good fight, and do not give up on God, out of all things He deserves our faithfulness. May nothing be bigger than God in your sight. Pray and ask the Lord to keep you faithful and pure, even if your desires may not be submitted to His. For the Lamb of God is worthy of our worship. 

I pray this blesses you all according to God’s will for your lives personally and as the Body of Christ. 

Also, If you would like to accept the love of God and His son, Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, or even if you have backslidden and want to return to the Lord, Here’s a prayer to guide you.

“ God almighty, I come before you to accept your love, to no longer reject you and what you have done for me. I choose to stop running from you and to finally stop rejecting myself of your love. Thank you for dying for me Lord Jesus, thank you for taking on my sins and shame. Thank you, Lord, that you became a curse for me so that I would no longer be bound by them but set free by your blood that was shed for me. Thank You for making yourself available to me, as a friend, father, Lord, God, helper, comforter, savior, and all the good things I need in my life. Jesus, I love you and ask you to help me keep loving you like how you want me to. I accept you completely as my Lord and savior, not what this world and demons have presented to me. Now I declare in both spiritual and physical realm, that I no longer belong to Satan nor his Kingdom according to Colossians 1:13, God has delivered me from the kingdom of darkness and has placed me in the Kingdom of light, where Jesus Christ is, I declare I belong to Jesus Christ and I now seat with Him In heavenly places. I rebuke all demonic retaliation against me making this decision and come into agreement with a sound mind in Jesus' name. I repent, renounce, denounce, and divorce myself from all the sins I’ve committed (list what you can remember) and break the evil covenants associated with them, and I declare once again I am a part of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name, I pray and seal this prayer in His blood, Amen.”

Hallelujah! Congratulations if you made this decision. I pray that you prevail in your walk in the Lord, that forces of darkness continue to fail concerning you, and that the forces of light continue to persevere and propel you in the name of Jesus. 

And if you have not yet, get you a Bible. Please, it’s a lot of ghetto foolishness concerning Christianity and religion. The Bible is the only way to protect you from it and will show you how to be a Christian and have a real relationship with Jesus Christ. 

God bless. ❤️

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