But God is Good! Genesis 1: A Blog style bible study (pt.2)

In today's blog style Bible study we are going to take a dive into Genesis 1, part 2 to the Genesis 3 Bible study we did previously. This may seem like we are going backwards but we will actually get a deeper understanding of God’s goodness and a deeper understanding of the fall of humanity in Genesis 3. From who He is, His essence, to what He creates, everything God makes is indeed good. I remember growing up when I would stumble upon Genesis 1, thinking it was just another miscellaneous chapter in the Bible that was important just cause we had to believe that or just because we were told to. Not realizing and being ignorant of the many layers of revelation it provides of God and his love for humanity. This is to the point that it would shape our lives forever; of course, choosing whether we do it with God or not. When I think of the current circumstances of humanity, it is like there is a boast in defying God and His rules; going against boundaries He made for us to prosper. What is good is viewed as evil and what’s evil is boasted as life-giving, freedom, independence, and legacy.

This blog Bible study is referencing the New King James Version Bible translation.

In Genesis 1 verses 3 to 26, we see how intentional God is when creating all of these things but why and for whom? We see that in verses 1 and 2 it tell us “ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness [a]was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” It’s interesting that in verse 1 we see what God has already made before He made it physical or before we are given the history of how creation was formed. All of this was planned. Not for entertainment purposes nor because God got bored, He is God able to do all things with His infinite power besides 1 thing and that is be evil. Yes, we are here on purpose, with purpose, and for the purpose of giving Him glory. 

Then we see Genesis 1:29. Honestly I can laugh and delight in this, God has a beautiful sense of humor. He made the best for last, all this beauty for the ones He created it for, the priority of this plan of creation. Humans. God purposely made us in the image of Him; The Holy Spirit and Jesus. It’s like it gave Him great pleasure to present all these things to Adam and Eve before they were even formed. We can even see the foreshadowing of Jesus in this. “While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us”, While we still were getting ready, still in sin, still not all the way there yet, God had already prepared what He planned for us to have long before our arrival in seasons, in salvation, and life. He made Him who knew no sin to be sin so that we might become the righteousness of God’’ It’s like God chose to not give up on us before we gave Him the reasons to so that we “might become the righteousness of God” through faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:21.

Genesis 1:29 “And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. 30 Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is [i]life, I have given every green herb for food”; and it was so. 31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”

I think it’s important to highlight that we are told that God SAW everything HE MADE as very Good. We need to also see that everything He made for us is good. If you read the Genesis 3 Bible study or even read Genesis 3 on your own, we know that Eve saw the forbidden fruit that the serpent deceived her with as good. 

Saw (Hebrew),  according to the Blue Letter Bible app

  • to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider, to have vision

  • to look at, regard, look after, see after, learn about, observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out, observe, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish, gaze at, to appear, present oneself, to be seen, to be visible, to cause to see, show

  • to cause to look intently at, behold, cause to gaze at, to be caused to see, be shown

  • to be exhibited to, to look at each other, face.

Good (Hebrew) according to the Blue Letter Bible App

  • good, pleasant, agreeable (to the senses), pleasant (to the higher nature), good, excellent (of its kind), rich, valuable in estimation, appropriate, becoming, better 

  • (comparative), glad, happy, prosperous (of man's sensuous nature), good understanding (of man's intellectual nature), kind, benign, right (ethical), a good thing, benefit, welfare, prosperity, happiness, good things (collective), good, benefit, welfare, good things, welfare, prosperity, happiness, bounty.

God is always good, what he makes will always be good, and He sees it as good forever. So as people, we must know that God is always good, that what He makes will always be good, and that we know if He sees it as good then it's truly good. However, when we don’t, our standards do not just become low but our view of what we see as valuable becomes invalid because God’s truth does not support it. We must be careful that we don’t return to the ways of the prodigal son and receive our inheritance only to spend it on things that can not satisfy our soul, things that only give temporary highs of joy. John 10:10 tells us “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” When we don’t see God for who he is, we begin side-eying everything He gives us. If the enemy can steal, kill, and destroy your faith in the Lord, he can take away your thanksgiving to the Lord, and then your Joy and if he can steal your joy then He is also able to destroy your strength because according to Nehemiah 8:10 “the joy of the Lord is our strength. May we always see Jesus as the best gift we could get, from His comes every spiritual blessing that is needed for us to prevail in this side of life on earth. Ephesians 1:3 and Matthew 6:10.

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Prepare for Series: What happens when The Meat has now turned into Milk 


Genesis 3: A Blog Style Bible study: what happens when what God gave you doesn't seem good enough?