Generational revival: God has to get us ready to be ready.

When I say this is the heaviest blog post that I ever written, it’s hefty, the revelation that is here was not one I just got by my regular morning devotion to the Lord, but this came by Him pulling on my spirit to show me something. I had prayed Jeremiah 33:3 unto the Lord seeking His counsel on something I needed direction for and the same day, early afternoon  I was grieved by a memory of something that occurred months ago with a so-called “bishop” who was leading God’s sheep astray. He was Christening a baby for a lesbian couple… in the name of Jesus but completely blaspheming His ways. I was so grieved and even found myself repenting before the Lord for how the church has been giving Him slaps back to back. That this is what his “MINISTERS” are doing! However, though it grieved me, it was not the situation itself but how many of the people who proclaim God and are in these positions of leadership actually do not love Him but by their actions scream “I hate God”. You guys God loves us so much, everything He does, even who He is, is love - the purest form of it. If it’s not God it’s not love.

The grief seemed random, but as it was getting heavier I realized that the Holy Spirit had stepped in to show me what was on His heart concerning the church. He had made me available to receive it. Ephesians chapter 4 verse 30 instructs us and says, “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” But before that, we are told in verse 29 “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. Then in verse 31, we have been given mercy to actually know what grieves the Holy Spirit and given the solution on what to do with them, PUT IT AWAY FROM YOU! Ephesians 4:31 and 32 says, 31 Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, [a]clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. 32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”

We have had ministers who are professionals in speaking a false gospel, itching ears to please people based on their emotions which is empowered by their sinful nature, running a marathon of infidelity not just against God but their wives and covering it up with the excuse “I’m not perfect” or “God still working on me” when they won’t even allow God to work in them. Running secret homosexual relationships in their church, making grace for pedophilia, and partaking in witchcraft and manipulation for greed; and filthy lucre. This is not a church. This is not holiness. This is not even God’s grace to clean us up. This is pure evil and corruption, two things that can not be identified with God but only satan. Please church repent, I don’t care if this is not you, be like Daniel and Ezra and repent before God begs Him for His mercies not just to spare us from judgment (which is coming) but to show us His mercies in cleaning us up and making us holy again.

The word Holy means, set apart and consecrated for the will of God. My prayer for me every day and the church is that the Lord makes a people who will not be compromised but stand and live on truth at all times. That we are pure and only say yes to our God. Yes to His word, yes to His call, yes to His way, yes to Yeshua. A yes without hesitation, without back talk, without us trying to deceive ourselves that it was not God’s voice telling us to publicly spread His glory! Church we must repent. We have not been the church we are supposed to be enough though God has been God enough. 

I have a message for both believers and unbelievers: The corruption in this world is not for you to turn away from God but to run to Him and call on Him. There is a deeper understanding going on behind all that you see with your physical eyes, but if you go by your understanding and not the wisdom of God, then you will end up on the wrong side, the one where God is not ruling but the devil is. My father used to tell me something repeatedly growing up, “there are only two sides, the bad side, and the good side, there is no in-between, God is the good side and we must choose the good side”. Many times in this world we get all these different things thrown at us telling us what is our “good side”- how we feel, who we “love”, that love is love when indeed the truth Himself said that “God is love” 1 John 4:16b, to go by our gut instincts. We’ve given more credit to our gut than we do our conscience, something given to us by God to know the difference between right and wrong. Romans chapter 2 verses 14 and 15 tell us, "Even Gentiles, who do not have God's written law, show that they know his law when they instinctively obey it, even without having heard it, 15 They demonstrate that God's law is written in their hearts, for their conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right." 

So now back to what the Lord began to show me this day. The Lord has been ministering to me for the past few years (I’ll say about two) that His wrath is coming, though He has been preparing me since I got saved, in August 2020. I did not realize how all of this was connected until the Holy Spirit showed me, praising God for the understanding that He gives the saints. 

God is fulfilling prophecy. What you are about to read now is a summary of some of the things the Lord told me during my time of seeking the Lord and meditating on Him and His word. I had originally put the original notes on here but the Lord told me to change it and it’s for a reason that people need correction on. You can not rely upon and take on the revelations that someone else gets in their relationship with God but you barely have a personal relationship with Him yourself or your relationship is dry because you barely kick it with the Lord and even if you do depend only on God. Please, my only prayer is that you invite the Holy Spirit to lead you, give you understanding, and to keep you prepared. 

During prayer, the Lord began to lay out scriptures for me to read and scriptures for me to declare. 

These are the scriptures:

Joel 2:28-32

Jeremiah 33:2 and 3

Jeremiah 16

Jeremiah 33

Revelation chapters 2, 3:10, and 13, and read all of chapter 3

Jeremiah chapters 16 to 33

I know that some of the chapters are repeating, what I wrote here is the order I felt the Holy Spirit leading me. I initially began to read Jeremiah 16 to Jeremiah 33 to see the repentance of Israel and how they repented, however, the Holy Spirit shifted things to let me know the will of God, revealing God’s mysteries about what’s to come. The true believers of God must rejoice and the world must turn away from their wickedness, I believe repentance is needed on both parts though.

In Jeremiah 16, we see what kindled God’s wrath against Israel. Idolatry, not keeping the commandments of God with Holiness, and forsaking the Lord. Though his wrath is coming forth the true purpose of it is to bring forth revival and true revival happens when people repent. There is no revival without repentance. As a church we have to stop thinking revival is just a church service, it’s where God moves to revive hearts back to Him. God’s judgments are coming, that is His sovereign will. We can pray for His mercy to wash us as a church and mercy for unbelievers that the Holy Spirit will stir up their hearts to receive the salvation of the Lord Jesus. Realize that I said judgments, plural. Though the wrath of God is coming simultaneously with it the judgment of blessing is coming with it. Isaiah 61 is a perfect example of this.

Isaiah 61:1-3

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,
Because the Lord has anointed Me
To preach good tidings to the poor;
He has sent Me to [a]heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives,
And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,
And the day of vengeance of our God;
To comfort all who mourn,
To [b]console those who mourn in Zion,
To give them beauty for ashes,
The oil of joy for mourning,
The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
That they may be called trees of righteousness,
The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”

This sums up all that the Lord is doing Revival, blessings, God taking vengeance, all so that people will have the blessing of eternal life and God be glorified. Oh, do you already know the Lord? Get ready to know Him in a greater measure. You don’t know the Lord yet? Get ready becoming the King is coming to make himself known to Him and do not ignore it.

Reasons for God’s judgment coming

  1. This is the number 1 thing, that He be glorified.

  2. That souls be saved and that everyone rest in the salvation of the Lord. Too many people have been suffering without God who do not know Him and He wants them to rest and have His peace.

  3. Justice for the righteous. Have you been waiting on the Lord? Have you been getting attacked? Have you decided to serve the Lord? Have you been following the Lord truly and faithfully? Are you a true prophet and minister of the Lord who people come against because you speak the truth? God is coming with His rewards and His justice on your behalf. He is also doing work in your lineage by doing this.

  4. He is cleaning the Church. He is sweeping some things out and placing things in. He will also be sweeping some things out in the believer and molding them to His perfect will so that we are ready to be a light of His glory that will attract people who do not know Him like a magnet.

  5. He is destroying idols and idolatry

  6. This is a big one, he is destroying witchcraft. Witchcraft has been running rampant in the world and the church.

This is a message for the believer:

No matter what comes; plagues, famines, locusts, and other issues that impact nations, DO NOT BOW DOWN TO WHAT THE WORLD TELLS YOU TO DO. Do not allow the world to tell you how to worship your God in the time of crisis. Do not allow the world to tell you How to worship Jesus period. The Bible tells us how to worship God. God knows everything, He knew it was coming and He is sovereign over it. He is the only one you can truly be covered by during it. So have faith in God. Know and believe in the promises of God because He does not lie. Keep your eyes on King Jesus. Don’t allow the media, science contradicting God’s truth, and people filled with panic to pull you away from the truth. As mentioned earlier, these are not the times to become an apostate, go to God not away from Him.

For the Body of Christ, we are to see this as a time of rejoicing, along with partnering with God to bring His will forth. God’s goal is not wrath and destruction, but revival and glory. This is not something we are to feel hopeless about or fearful of, we are to rejoice that God in His mercy is making Himself known to everybody and He has chosen us to be a part of this miraculous movement. Isaiah 60 verses 1 through 3,

“Arise, shine;
For your light has come!
And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
And deep darkness of the people;
But the Lord will arise over you,
And His glory will be seen upon you.
The Gentiles shall come to your light,
And kings to the brightness of your rising.”

This is the end of what I wrote over the 3 days when God revealed these things concerning revival to me. However, He has not stopped ministering these things to me and it’s been a couple of weeks since He has revealed this message to me. This may not have been the first time you heard this message or God has given you this message, I know that God is speaking to His people and speaking through them. Please pay attention, as our Lord Jesus Christ would say. I would like to also say that the beginning of this blog post felt heavy but then God shifted me by reminding me of His overall plan, that He did not want my heart to be heavy but to have joy concerning what the Lord is doing.

There is going to be a part two to this touching on how the promises that God makes to us even individually. I pray that not only did you understand this message but that the Holy Spirit made this message personal to you, that you heard Him and not me. Get your house ready and rejoice while you do it because God is doing something amazing. Don’t allow the devil to condemn and discourage you. That's a trap so that you don’t move forward to reach what God has for you. May God and His angels strengthen you and prevail in His kingdom in Jesus’ name.

Song recommendation - The King is coming by Nathaniel Bassey. Dance to The Lord when Listening to it and pay attention to the lyrics.

Also, If you would like to accept the love of God and His son, Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, or even if you have backslidden and want to return to the Lord, Here’s a prayer to guide you.

“ God almighty, I come before you to accept your love, to no longer reject you and what you have done for me. I choose to stop running from you and to finally stop rejecting myself of your love. Thank you for dying for me Lord Jesus, thank you for taking on my sins and shame. Thank you Lord that you became a curse for me so that I would no longer be bound by them but set free by your blood that was shed for me. Thank You for making yourself available to me, as friend, father, Lord, God, helper, comforter, savior, and all the good things I need in my life. Jesus I love you and ask you to help me keep loving you like how you want me to. I accept you completely as my Lord and savior, not what this world and demons have presented to me. Now I declare in the both spiritual and physical realm, that I not longer belong to Satan nor his Kingdom but according to Colossians 1:13, God has delivered me from the kingdom of darkness and has placed me in the Kingdom of light, where Jesus Christ is, I declare I belong to Jesus Christ and I now seat with Him In heavenly places. I rebuke all demonic retaliation in me making this decision and come into agreement with a sound mind in Jesus name. I repent, renounce, denounce, and divorce myself from all the sins I’ve committed (list what you can remember) and break the evil covenants associated with them, and I declare once again I am a part of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. In Jesus name I pray and seal this prayer in His blood, Amen.”

Hallelujah! Congratulations if you made this decision. I pray that you prevail in your walk in the Lord, that forces of darkness continue to fail concerning you, and that the forces of light continue to persevere and propel you in the name of Jesus. 

And if you have not yet, get you a Bible. Please, it’s a lot of ghetto foolishness concerning Christianity and religion. The Bible is the only way to protect you from it and will show you how to be a Christian and have a real relationship with Jesus Christ. 

God bless. ❤️

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Generational Revival PT. 2: God’s promises are always connected to Generational Revival


Prepare for Series: What happens when The Meat has now turned into Milk